Thursday, November 20, 2008

Celebration at the State House

Today I spoke at American International College in Springfield and after that headed over to the State House in Boston. Tonight, Massachusetts celebrated some of the great businesses started by the state's young entrepreneurs. We got there a bit late because just like a song by The Walkmen, we got lost in boston. After getting there, we met some cool people from around the state. Elizabeth and I talked for a bit with Johnny of the killer brand Johnny Cupcakes... after chatting Houdini, he made Elizabeth's business card disappear with a good ol' magic trick. I think I'll make some dollars disappear and buy some a cupcake t-shirt or two, you should too. Anyways, it was a nice night in Boston.


VanDog said...

So he makes those shirts. Such shameless self promotion, he has his own photographer. I love that picture of you and Elizabeth in his blog.

Anonymous said...

Its nice to see state officials recognizing people like you, especially being from western MA. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

Brendan - Boston needs to understand what's happening out 'west.' Good networking!